Jane Keresztes – Director (2021 - Present)

Jane hails from the east and was born and raised in Montreal. After graduating from the University of New Brunswick with an Elementary Education Degree, she made her way west and landed in this spectacular province. In addition to teaching for the Coquitlam School District, Jane was contracted with the City of Surrey for 10 years to convey the principles of the “3R’s”, water conservation, and bin/worm composting to students and youth organizations. The parents often said their children kept them accountable regarding our precious resources! Jane continued her schooling at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, completing a certificate in Career Counselling. The program opened many doors – employment with Work BC and the creation of her own business, Crossroads Career Counselling (2010) to support high school students and career professionals in transition.

Jane and her husband Zoltan have been on Sakinaw Lake since 1995; their 3 sons worked in the summers at the Iris & Billy Griffith Nature Centre, The West Coast Wilderness Lodge, coaching wake boarding, and selling newspapers on the lake to boat access residents. Recent professional retirements have amplified their time on the coast – Jane spends time kayaking, hiking, reading, biking, and seeking new adventures with genuine appreciation for the natural landscape and surrounding beauty. She is excited to volunteer with the Lagoon Foundation and to share her organizational skills, networking abilities, enthusiasm, and experiences locally.